Cardiology Fellowship Programs
Cardiology Fellows
Interventional Cardiologists
Years of Cumulative Interventional Experience

Years of Established ACVC History

As I reflect on my Interventional Cardiology fellowship, I appreciate how critical it is to attend local educational meetings to stay up to date in practice. I particularly enjoyed attending the Philly Angio Club as a fellow because it served as a helpful platform for me to network with local clinicians and gain confidence to approach challenging cases that I may encounter. I would feel comfortable to ask any clinical questions and never walked away feeling judged or embarrassed.
Attending regularly as a fellow, the Philly Angio Club gave me an opportunity to interact and network with fellows from other programs and learn from the great depth and wealth of attendings across the greater Philly area with the added bonus of free drinks and food and Philly finest dining scenes.
Angio club in Philly has been an excellent place to meet other fellow colleagues and share interesting cases. Interaction with faculty from other institutions in the greater Philadelphia area has also been rewarding. The monthly meetings have discussed recent guidelines, innovations and late-breaking clinical trials from recent interventional cardiology conferences. A truly memorable and cherished experience.
Angio Club in Philly is a unique unbiased experience to sit down with your colleagues and fellows in training to share your complex, challenging, and interesting cases in a non-formal environment. This forum allows you to stay well informed in the field of interventional cardiology.”
The shared, complex, case-based, angiography discussions of the Greater Philadelphia Angio Club were paramount to my learning experiences as a young Structural Interventional Cardiologist joining a large private practice in Arizona who had to build a program. The experience with GPAC was so rewarding that I started an Angio Club in Tucson (TAC), now it is the entire Southwest (SWAC). Dr. George has allowed us to engender a spirit of continued learning of real-world management of complex coronary and endovascular procedures
Relaxed yet most informative short term learning platform. Provided enriching interaction with faculty and peers from multiple institutions bringing together a holistic experience to my interventional cardiology training,
I have always looked forward to these evenings! A meeting of minds and friends. Learn plenty from various operator experiences, pathology, and techniques in a fun atmosphere!
Angio Club is a place where I went to grow my knowledge and skill set. You are able to discuss a challenge faced by one interventionalist in the lab and in one live forum hear how ten other experts would handle that situation. It was a place where I learned the thought process and approach of the great minds that the Philadelphia healthcare market has to offer
I first started attending Greater Philadelphia Angio Club as an interventional cardiology fellow. The monthly meeting offers a chance to showcase our work and participate in valuable discussions, through which I built professional relationships with other fellows and local experts
Angio club in Philly has been an excellent place to meet other fellow colleagues and share interesting cases. Interaction with faculty from other institutions in the greater Philadelphia area has also been rewarding. The monthly meetings have discussed recent guidelines, innovations and late-breaking clinical trials from recent interventional cardiology conferences. A truly memorable and cherished experience.